Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ryan's 30th Birthday!!

For my husband Ryan's 30th birthday we celebrated at The House of Blues with friends. We had such a great time, we ate, drank and laughed, the company was the best...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Friday to you! I've been very neglectful of this blog....boo, sorry! I feel like I've got a million things pulling me in different directions, It's crazy. Anyway, Here's 10 random facts about me:

1. I was born in Nicaragua and came to California at the ripe age of 8 months.

2. I love the 1940's, I obsess the music and fashion and look of the woman of that time.

3. I love starbucks

4. I love to go to bed early and rise early

5. I love crafting and homemade stuff

6. I'm a calendar freak

7. My fave color is green

8. I have a fear of flying

9. I have tattoos and want more

10. I love nature especially the beach :)

That's it, little tidbits about me....Have a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Coffee Cup Cozies - Group

Coffee Cup Cozies - Group, originally uploaded by TWiNKiE CHAN.

THESE ARE ADORABLE!!! so creative...Its people like this that inspire me, Thank You!! who inspires you?? hope you have a wonderful monday...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!!

We did some egg dyeing today, it was an interesting experience with an almost 3 year old. He dunked his hands in the dye, cracked eggs, peeled eggs and I wanted to say, "Hey! that's not the way to do it!" but you know what, he's got to do it his way for it to be fun so we let him. I gotta pick and choose my battles!!